Retire to New Mexico,

The Land of Enchantment!


Located in southern New Mexico, Deming and Columbus are great small towns with plenty of room and sunshine!

Learn more about New Mexico and Luna County!

Item Subdivision Unit Lot Block Price Note
1 DR 49 3 20 $1200 Power within 1000'


Item Subdivision Unit Block Lot Note Price
DR 16 1 28 Power within 2000'  
DR 26 2 24 Power distant  
DR 29 6 12 Power distant  
DR 31 4 7    
DR 31 4 8    
DR 39 2 24 Power within 300'  
DR 39 2 25 Power within 300'  
DR 45 16 5 Power within 300'  
DR 45 16 6 Power within 300'  
DR 46 4 19 Power distant  
DR 47 6 28 Power distant  
DR 47 6 29 Power distant  
DR 47 6 30 Power distant  
DR 47 12 12 Power distant  
DR 47 12 13 Power distant  
DR 47 12 22 Power distant  
DR 47 12 23 Power distant  
DR 48 2 13    
DR 49 15 22 Power available  
DR 49 15 23 Power available  
DR 49 20 8 Power, neighbors  
DR 49 20 9 Power, neighbors  
DR 49 20 29    
DR 49 20 30    
DR 49 20 31    
DR 49 20 32    
DR 49 20 33    
DR 54 1 17    
DR 56 12 22 Power available  
DR 56 20 26 Power available  
DR 68 6 7    
DR 68 6 8    
DR 68 6 9    
DR 68 6 10    
DR 77 4 2    
DR 79 2 32    
DR 79 2 32    
DR 93 3 16 Power available  
DR 93 3 27 Power available  
DR 93 5 16 Power available  
DR 93 5 17 Power available  
DR 93 5 18 Power available  
DR 93 5 19 Power available  
DR 93 5 24 Power available  
DR 93 5 25 Power available  
DR 95 1 27 Power available  
DR 107 4 18    
DR 107 4 19    
DR 107 12 38    
DR 117 20 16    
DR 118 10 15    
SSR   1 10    
SV 1 21 6    
SV 1 21 7    
SV 5 5 31    
SV 6 6 19    
SV 13 24 41    
SV 15 15 12    


Click on the Item number for terms.

DR = Deming Ranchettes

SSR = San Simeon Ranches

SV = Sunshine Valley

Click on the Unit number to see a map.

© 2006 Scott Hedrick

This page was last updated on 10/06/06 07:14:15 PM